Posts Tagged with "church at odessa"

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The Gospel in One Word - Part 6


As we continue to look deep into the gospel and specifically the truth of propitiation, we have seen the beautiful truth that our Creator has become our Redeemer. The truth that God has made the satisfactory offering through the death of Jesus that was necessary and required to appease His wrath due sinners. We didn't appease God's wrath through our efforts. God did this H...

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Does The Bible Matter Today?

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Anyone ever read the Bible and wondered what link it had to us today? Anyone who has ever sought to engage others in gospel-centered conversations has heard something like this as a reason for not reading or submitting to the Bible, that the Bible is outdated, irrelevant, expired, doesn't apply to us today, the world has changed and the times have changed and so the Bible ...

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Habakkuk 3:17-19 Devotional

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The key to understanding the message of Habakkuk is to understand the process by which God changed the prophet’s attitudes and actions: God made it clear that as God’s people, WE LIVE BY FAITH NOT ANSWERS....

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