We desire to help men of all ages grow up spiritually so that they understand what it means biblically to be a man:
- That they are not tossed around by culture's varying definitions of manhood.
- That they would both feel and sense their need to lead sacrificially.
- To feel and sense their need to lead and protect women in ways that are appropriate to their being a man.
- That they would understand role distinctions and what this means and doesn't mean biblically.
We desire this for all men, single or married, regardless of age, no matter the task or responsibility they face, all to the glory of God and the advancement of the gospel.
We want to help men see what God desires of them and equips them for, the unique significance of their maleness by God's design:
- The joy of sacrificially serving and leading in all areas of our lives as modeled by Chirst Himself.
- The joy of understanding male headship and at the same time male-female equality.
- To see that God's grace is sufficient no matter what they face.
We do this through a variety of means, including:
- Sound exegetical and expository preaching.
- Men's fellowship activities on and off campus.
- Bible studies on Thursdays at the church (6:30p).
- Bible studies off campus at various times and places in the community.
- Service opportunities.
- One-on-one relationships.
We desire that the men at Odessa have a multitude of relationships with other men, of various ages, being both fed and feeding in a reciprocal manner, modeling a Titus 2 type environment, depending upon the circumstances, with the end being that they truly experience the "one another" component that the gospel ushers in as members of the body of Christ, all to God's glory.