Let us Not Grow Weary in Doing Good

As we begin another week of social distancing and all that comes with this, let us not lose heart in doing good, as Gal. 6:9 implores. This applies on a lot of fronts, but specifically now as we continue to live under these new circumstances and will be living under them for at least the next two weeks it seems. The tendency for all of us is to grow weary as we endure and walk this or any road.
Right now I would think that there is a great tendency and temptation for people to begin growing weary in many different ways, from all that comes with working on the front lines in the medical field, to working at home, to not working at all, to now being your children's teachers. The temptation is to grow weary in doing good.
The context of Galatians 6:9 is that of bearing one another's burdens. Sharing with others, coming alongside others in various times of need. Paul here is reminding the readers and hearers of this letter to the Galatians that in due season we will reap a harvest if we do not grow weary in doing good. That we are to continue to serve all people, but especially fellow believers.
Let me encourage all of us here. Keep praying for one another, keep reading your Bible and studying and being careful how you live, snatching up each moment to the glory of God and for growing in grace even during this time, keep texting, keep calling, keep reaching out, keep working hard however that looks like, keep loving on and cherishing time with your kids, keep doing your school work students as if it mattered.
These are all ways that we can still serve one another and bear each other's burdens and glorify our Savior. The church has not nor will it ever be truly "shut down". Jesus Himself proclaimed in Matthew 16:18 that "I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it." That is true and applies even now. We are the church, not the building that sits empty. We are not shut down.
We can still do what we are called to do as a body, we just can't do it together right now. Keep letting your light shine in ways we have seen thru our study of Philippians and beyond. Keep working out your salvation with fear and trembling even under these circumstances.
Do not lose heart in doing good church. And may God be glorified thru this.
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